4 Common Mistakes to Avoid while Growing Durban Strain

If you’re a weed enthusiast, then the thought of growing your cannabis would have crossed your mind at one point or another. However, a thing to remember is that growing cannabis is easier said than done. It is a demanding yet rewarding experience to grow good Durban strains.

Although, with an abundance of books, videos, tutorials, and blog articles, beginner growers find new and innovative ways to repeat some common mistakes. These mistakes take a very heavy toll on the yield, and therefore if you’re a beginner or an experienced grower, there are certain mistakes you should avoid at all costs to get maximum yield.

This article has mentioned six common mistakes that you should avoid while growing Durban strains them at all costs.

1- Nutrient burn on the leaves

Feeding nutrients and manure to the plants is important, but you should know when to stop feeding the plants and how much you should feed the plant. Nutrient burn occurs because the plant has been fed excess nitrogen, and the edges of the leaves fry and turn inwards. If you notice this issue on your plant, you should immediately stop feeding your plants the nutrients and gradually resume it. The fried leaves will not recover, but the new leaves will be green.

2- Light burn

You should not confuse nutrient burn with a light burn. The effects on the plants may look alike, but the cause and the solution are different. Light burn occurs when the leaves closest to the light source begin to burn, and the edges have a thin brown or yellow line. If you notice these issues, then you should move your plants away from the light source and use light sources like LEDs that do not get hot. Add proper ventilation and fans to the room.

3- Overwatering or underwatering Durban strains

Plants need oxygen and water in proportionate amounts. If you give your plants excess water, the roots of the plants won’t be able to absorb the oxygen. Similarly, if you do not water the plants properly, they will die of thirst. But how do you know whether the plants have excess water or less water? Place your index finger in the soil up to 1 or 2 inches deep If the finger comes out too dry, it is because the plants do not receive enough water. If the finger is too wet, it is because of overwatering.

4- Not choosing the right medium to grow the plants

Growing Durban strains in your garden soil is a good option. But it may not be the best option. The Durban strains prefer growing in hydroponics methods instead of sterile soil. To germinate the seeds, you can use a paper towel method and ensure that the towels don’t dry quickly. If they do, moist them from time to time to get proper tap roots. Even though the Durban strain is highly resistant to pest and insect attacks, if the soil is not proper or does not have enough nutrients, then there are chances the plant might be infected with common pests and attacks such as molds rots, fungus gnats, etc.

Wrapping up

These were some mistakes that you should avoid while growing Durban strains. Buy it from us at Seed Supreme.