3 Tips for Fighting Urinary Incontinence

A weak or leaky bladder is common and frustrating as it interferes with daily activities. You may feel the need to constantly be near a bathroom. Urine may dribble out with urges compelling you to go often. This condition, known as urinary incontinence, may be alleviated with medical supervision and various exercises and diet tricks. If you’re ready to regain control, consider the following 3 pieces of advice.

1. Build Your Pelvic Muscles

As you age, muscles weaken, and that includes the ones you may not always see. The bladder resides within the pelvic bone, which is surrounded by muscle. When these are not strong, your need to go to the bathroom could increase. Try developing this area. Consult a specialist in pelvic floor physiotherapy Burlington ON to understand the proper technique and duration.

2. Reevaluate Your Diet

Some bladders react to too much acid. Keep a food and drink diary for about a month. Write out everything you eat and how often you go. Then, look for patterns that could be influencing how your body acts. You may find that on days with high acidic intake, you’re hitting the bathroom a bit more. Perhaps on days when you indulge in a lot of caffeine, you’re reacting more. Observations could be the answer to eliminating irritants. 

Common foods and drinks that promote this condition are some of the following:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Orange juice
  • Alcohol
  • Sparkling drinks
  • Tomato sauce
  • Spicy foods
  • Citric Acid

In general, focus on water as it decreases the acid levels. Drink several 8 oz glasses a day. 

3. Increase Fiber Consumption

Regular bowel movements empty the colon, reducing pressure on the abdomen. When this event doesn’t happen, the bladder could be impacted. The buildup presses down on the bladder, making you feel the need to pee more often; therefore, it’s essential to avoid constipation. Speak with your doctor about how much fiber you eat each day and whether you require more. 

Soluble fiber allows you to go easier, but insoluble fiber encourages the bowels to act. It’s important to have both. You may add oatmeal to your breakfast or think about having more green vegetables with your meals. If that isn’t enough, over-the-counter fiber products are available. Your physician can tell you the proper amount.

Don’t reach for the urine pads quite yet. With the right methods, you could avoid frequent bathroom trips and embarrassing leaks. Rework your diet and create a regular pelvic exercise routine.