How to Treat Urinary Tract Infections

Did you know that urinary tract infection is among the most common bacterial infections globally? The disease is more common in women affecting about 1 in every five women. Without proper treatment, urinary tract infections can cause complications and are likely to reoccur. The urinary tract infection New York specialist Soo Kwon, MD, provides extensive diagnosis and treatment to lower your risk of complications and enhance healing. This article will guide on how to treat urinary tract infections.

What is a urinary tract infection?

It affects parts of your urinary tract, including the urethra, kidneys, bladder, and ureters.

Urinary tract infections are likely to occur in women. Typically, about 50% of all women are likely to experience UTIs at some point in their lives. The following factors increase the chances of women getting urinary tract infections.

·         Menopause

·         Some birth control methods

·         Sexual activity

·         Decreased immune system

·         Urinary tract conditions

Undergoing any urinary procedure also puts you at risk of developing UTIs.

What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?

Usually, it’s likely to have bacteria in your urine and still not have a urinary tract infection. But, when the bacteria cause some symptoms, you might want to have an examination and treatment for the same.

A urinary tract infection causes the following symptoms.

·         Pelvic pain

·         An increased urge to urinate

·         Blood in urine

·         A burning sensation during urination

·         Frequent bathroom visits to pass small amounts of urine

·         Strong-smelling urine

·         Urine that appears cloudy

When not treated, urinary tract infection may move to your kidneys, causing severe effects that may permanently damage your body organs. It may also cause sepsis, which is a dangerous infection.

 It is advisable to have an extensive diagnosis to examine your bladder and determine the cause of your infection. Your provider may also request urine testing to confirm your diagnosis.

What causes urinary tract infections?

A urinary tract infection develops when bacteria penetrate your urinary tract through the urethra and start to grow in the bladder. The disease develops in the urinary tract causing uncomfortable symptoms.

Women are at risk of developing urinary tract infections due to their anatomy, where the distance between the urethra and anus is short.

How to treat a urinary tract infection?

Your provider prescribes a dose of antibiotics to fight the urinary tract infection. You are likely to find relief from your symptoms after a few days of taking your medications. It’s advisable to finish your dosage to prevent the infection from recurring.

If you experience recurrent infections, your provider suggests a low-dose antibiotic to enhance healing.

You may prevent urinary tract infections by practicing the following.

·         Drinking a lot of water

·         Urinating after sex

·         Wiping from front to back

·         Drinking cranberry juice

·         Modifying your birth control method

·         Avoiding using products that may irritate your urethra

Urinary tract infections can feel embarrassing, but finding treatments can relieve you. Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men due to the short distance between the urethra and anus. When not treated, urinary tract infection may cause complications. Contact the Park Avenue Urogynecology team today if you have UTI to receive treatment.