Your oral health is more important than you may imagine, as it gives clues about your general health. Experts think oral health problems are a global disaster that affects people throughout their lifetime, causing pain and discomfort. You can avoid any problems associated with improper oral hygiene by routinely taking care of your general dental care at home or seeking Pearland General and Cosmetic Dentistry. Here are some common types of dental and oral diseases you need to know.
Types of dental diseases
You use your teeth and mouth for many purposes, and it is not surprising how things can turn out wrong over time, especially if you do not take good care of your teeth and gum. You may at least develop one dental issue in your lifetime. The most common dental diseases include;
v Cavities
v Gum disease (gingivitis)
v Halitosis (bad breath)
v Cracked or broken teeth
v Sensitive teeth
v Oral cancer
Causes dental diseases
Your oral cavity traps all kinds of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are harmless in small portions, but once you consume a diet high in sugar, it makes it favorable for the bacteria to flourish, producing acid which dissolves the tooth’s enamel causing cavities. Bacteria accumulates on your gums, hardens down the length of your tooth, and eventually inflames the gum, leading to gingivitis. Many factors cause gingivitis and periodontitis, which include; smoking, poor brushing habits, frequent feasting on sugary foods and drinks, diabetes, family history or genetics, hormonal changes in women, use of medicines that reduce the saliva in the mouth, acid reflux and frequent vomiting due to the acid.
Symptoms of dental and oral problems
If you begin to experience and notice any of these signs of dental health problems, you are advised to book an appointment with your dentist immediately;
v Chronic bad breath
v Sensitivity to hot and cold beverages
v Pain or toothache
v Pain while chewing or biting
v Bleeding or swollen gums
v Persistent sores or ulcers in the mouth
v Loose teeth
v Cracked or broken teeth
v Frequent dry mouth
Treating dental and oral problems
Taking all teeth care measures as advised by a dentist is crucial. Your dentist may recommend the following procedures and treatments in case you show signs of dental diseases and other problems; fluoride treatments, cleaning teeth, antibiotics, root canal, probiotics fillings, crown and sealants, and changing some habits. However, you may need a professional checkup now and then.
Dental and oral diseases can be greatly reduced by;
v Brushing teeth at least twice a day
v Decreasing sugar intake
v Avoiding using tobacco products
v Eating a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables
v Flossing at least once a day
v Seeking professional dental care
v Reducing alcohol consumption
Your oral health affects not only your teeth, but can interfere with your self-esteem and speech. Most of these problems develop without showing any symptoms, so going for a dentist’s checkup is the best way to discover a problem before it worsens. Your long-term oral health depends on your efforts since you can prevent all these problems.