Learn more about the causes and various treatment options available for bunions.

Bunions not only affect the aesthetic appearance of your body, but also cause chronic pain. Most people ignore the appearance of a bony bump near their big toe leading to delay in seeking treatment. However, you are advised to always seek immediate care after noting any bony bump around your big toe for early diagnosis and treatment before severe complications arise. Therefore, if you have started noting any abnormality around your big toe and are interested in seeking both cosmetic and medical help, bunions New York specialists are the solution to your concerns. They are qualified and experienced in using conservative treatment and surgery to treat bunions. Let’s learn more about bunions below.

What are bunions?

Generally, bunions are foot deformities that occur when your big toe shifts out of place. As a result, the joint at the base and inside your big toe enlarges and sticks out, causing a visible bump. The bump is usually a red, swollen sore. In normal circumstances, your big toe usually points straight ahead. But when you have bunions, your big toe faces your second toe because your big toe is forced inwards. Bunions usually develop slowly, where a small bump usually forms. The bump may be very tiny but might cause some discomfort like pain. Since the bump is usually small, most people tend to ignore it, which is a very big mistake because it might not be a problem now, but it will be a big deal in the future.

As time passes by, the angle of your big toe widens, making your bump enlarge, causing chronic pain. And since your big toe is facing your second toe, as the angle widens, it might start exerting pressure on your second toe. If your bunions are left untreated, they may cause serious chronic pain that would make it quite challenging to walk or even put on shoes. They can also lead to other foot deformities, such as hammertoes causing problems with the alignment of your foot.

What causes bunions?

The primary cause of bunions is crowded toes and very tight shoes. Common in women than in men because of different designs of shoes like heels. Therefore, too small or tight shoes cause bunions. They also tend to run in families, but you cannot inherit them. But you can inherit them if you inherit other foot structures, including a long second toe, flat feet, or inward pointing the big toe. They may also follow neuromuscular problems or foot injuries.

How are bunions treated?

Bunions can be treated, but you must start by booking your appointment as soon as you notice any bump around your big toe. You should also stop wearing tight shoes because they worsen your condition. In most cases, conservative treatment is usually used, alleviating pain and relieving pressure on your big toe joint. You are also asked to put on well-fitting shoes and cover your big toe with protective padding to reduce friction. Shoe inserts or orthotics can also be used to stabilize your joint. Some anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed together with pain drugs.

Bunions can cause chronic pain that can prevent you from walking if left untreated. Therefore, if you have noted a bony bump around your big toe and seek treatment, you can start by booking your appointment at Precision Footcare today.