How to Prepare For Echocardiogram

Technology has improved medical diagnosis by developing different tests. Today, through various imaging tools, the doctors evaluate your internal organs. The imaging tools contribute to accurate diagnosis, which minimizes error in treatment. Cardiologists use these imaging tools to analyze the functioning of the heart. Therefore if you have a heart condition or are simply taking a precaution, you can undergo an echocardiogram Upper East Side. This article will explore all about echocardiogram and how to prepare for it. 

Reasons For An Echocardiogram

A cardiologist will recommend an echocardiogram if they want to evaluate different factors of the heart as follows;

  • The size of the heart
  • Any defects in the heart
  • Any damage to the heart
  • Blood clots 
  • Aorta issues 
  • Pump strength 
  • Valve problems 
  • Fluid around the heart 
  • Congenital heart defects before birth

What To Expect During Echocardiogram

There are different echocardiograms, and the cardiologist can conduct any of them depending on what they seek to establish or evaluate. The different types of echocardiograms and their procedures are listed below;

1.      Transthoracic Echocardiogram 

You will remove your clothing on your upper body and lie down on the bed. Then the sonographer places the electrodes on your chest. The electrodes are sticky sensors connected to a machine. The electrodes transmit the heart rhythm to the monitor. 

The sonographer applies a lubricating gel on your chest and requests that you lie on your left side. The sonographer moves the ultrasound probe across your chest while the images are being recorded on the monitor. The images are then produced, and the sonographer takes them to the cardiologist for interpretation. 

2.      Transoesophageal echocardiogram 

The test makes use of echocardiography to assess the heart. A transducer that is inserted down the esophagus transmits ultrasonic sound waves. When the ultrasonic waves bounce off the heart structures, the transducer picks the reflected waves and transmits them to the computer. The computer translates the sounds into images of the heart walls and valves. The cardiologist will recommend this test to detect blood clots, mitral valve disorders, and masses inside the heart, among other conditions. 

3.      Stress echocardiogram

 This test evaluates your blood pressure and heart rhythm. The cardiologist places electrodes that are connected to the electrocardiograph on your chest. Then you will exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike. Once the heart rate reaches peak levels, the doctor takes the ultrasound images and evaluates whether the muscles have an adequate supply of blood and oxygen. The test is suitable for complaining of chest pain and during cardiac rehabilitation. 

How safe Is Echocardiogram

The Echocardiogram is a simple and painless test. You will not experience any side effects after the tests. The only reservation about the test is that the lubricating gel may feel cold, and you might experience some discomfort when electrodes are removed from your skin after the test. 

The heart performs a very crucial function in the body. Therefore, you need to undergo regular heart monitoring to treat any early signs of heart disease. Upper East Side Cardiology offers echocardiograms and has an experienced cardiologist to evaluate your test results. Call them today and book your appointment.