Personal care services are not shameful as we age, and they may benefit your elderly loved one if their hygiene has become a hassle. To avoid making your loved one feel embarrassed about needing help, treat them with respect and decency whenever you provide care or assistance with this vital daily task. Take a look at the following for some advice from a philadelphia personal grooming on maintaining good personal hygiene and grooming.
Taking a Bath and a Shower
Even though taking a bath or shower each day can eat up a large amount of time, maintaining a clean appearance requires that you do so. Keep in mind the following guidelines:
- Never use oils that could cause slippage in a shower or bubble bath.
- Before helping a loved one get into the tub or shower, double-check that all of the items they will require, such as bottles of shampoo and towels, have been prepared and are in the appropriate location.
- The bathroom door lock should be removed if at all possible. If a loved one of yours experiences a fall, you will be able to rush over and provide assistance immediately.
- In addition to positioning non-slip mats in strategic areas, grab bars and grips should be installed around the bathtub or shower area.
- When bathing a loved one, you should make sure that the water temperature is just right for them, meaning that it is neither excessively hot nor freezing.
- If the only reason your loved one needs monitoring is for safety reasons, and if it makes them uncomfortable to be completely naked in your company, give them the space they need to feel comfortable while being nearby in case they require assistance.
Personal Care and Shaving
The following is a list of some advice that can be helpful when supporting a loved one with hair care and shaving:
- Ensure that you have a haircut that is simple to maintain.
- In the event that the only thing that needs to be cleaned is the hair of a loved one, you might discover that doing it in the sink is much more convenient.
- It may be simpler to offer assistance in specific areas by plucking rather than shaving the hair.
- At least twice a month, trim your loved one’s fingernails and toenails and watch for foot bunions.
- It is important to clean one’s teeth and/or dentures at least twice a day; if the person you care about can do this on their own, urge them to do so.