Acid reflux and possible Treatment Plans

Many people often get affected by heartburn. This is quite a mild problem that most people do not give a second thought to. This, combined with indigestion, may result in a bad case of acid reflux disease. Acid reflux, characterized by the acid from your stomach climbing up your gut resulting in heartburn, is quite a discomforting condition. To learn more about Cypress acid reflux and its possible solutions, continue reading the article below.

What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?

This condition happens when the acid from your stomach occasionally goes back into the channel connecting your stomach and mouth. The acid remains may cause discomfort and irritation to your gut lining.

GERD develops when your acid reflux frequently occurs, i.e., more than three times a week, or is pretty severe when it happens. GERD discomfort is usually manageable, with many people handling it with over-the-counter medications.

Signs and Symptoms of GERD

Some of the typical signs and symptoms include:

·         Pain in the chest

·         Heartburn, especially after eating, worsens during night time

·         Difficulty when swallowing

·         The feeling of lumping in your throat

·         Bitter liquid or food remains getting regurgitated

For people who have acid reflux that occurs at night, other symptoms are like:

·         Laryngitis

·         Chronic cough

·         Disruptions in your sleep

·         Asthma that recurs or developing it for the first time

Causes of GERD

GERD usually occurs if your acid reflux has begun to occur regularly.

Your lower esophageal sphincter relaxes to give way to drink and food to go into your stomach. It then contracts to close up again. Your stomach acid may unintentionally go back to your gut when your sphincter unexpectedly relaxes or becomes weakened. When this occurs frequently, your gut lining may get discomfort relaxing and swelling.

Several factors may lead to the increase in the risk of getting GERD and include:

·         Pregnancy

·         Extreme weight

·         Late to empty your stomach

·         Swelling on the upper part of your stomach towards the diaphragm

·         Scleroderma and other connective tissue problems

Acid reflux may be induced by behaviors such as:

·         Eating huge meals late at night

·         Chronic Smoking

·         Fried or fatty foods that may trigger GERD

·         Some medications like aspirin

·         Certain drinks like coffee or alcohol

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is mainly made via a physical exam, although confirmation of the condition may require additional tests such as:

·         An ambulatory acid probe test that involves the application of a small computer around your waist area connected to a monitor that identifies how long and when your stomach acid comes up

·         Upper endoscopy is done when a tiny flexible tube with a camera and light is put down your throat to look at your gut and stomach

·         X-ray of your top part of the digestive system

·         Esophageal manometry

Treatment plans include:

·         Medications like antacids, medicine that reduces the making of acids, and medicine to inhibit the production of acids

·         Surgery that may involve a LINX device, fundoplication, and TIF

GERD is typically a manageable condition requiring only better lifestyle changes that include your diet and habits. It can, however, be severe, requiring even surgery. If you are experiencing any of the said symptoms, visit our website or call our offices in North Houston, Texas.