Have you ever experienced chronic heartburn? If yes, I’m sure you can attest that this condition is devastating and can negatively impact an individual’s life. For instance, it can lower your productivity in the workplace due to constant breaks from the work site whenever you feel discomfort in your chest. If you experience heartburn more frequently, it would imply that you are suffering from GERD San Antonio, a condition in which the stomach acid flows back to the esophagus. Here are the 6 self-care tips to help you reduce the risk of developing GERD.
Avoid Certain Meal
Once you start noticing the heartburn symptoms, be ready to change your diet. You should eliminate food that causes heartburn from your dietary plan to safeguard yourself from acid reflux. Reduce the intake of acidic meals such as citrus fruits, which may worsen heartburn symptoms.
Avoid Going to Bed Right After Your Meal
The stomach has a high level of acid immediately after taking a meal. You may be tempted to go to sleep immediately after supper, but this is not a good idea. It would help if you sat upright immediately after eating to promote the acid flow out of the esophagus through the force of gravity.
Change Your Sleeping Position
Lying flat can increase the chances of getting heartburn. When you sleep in this position, the stomach content usually presses on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which may affect its functioning. Therefore, you should sleep on your side to avoid acid reflux. It would be best if you also used a pillow beneath your head to elevate your head as you sleep.
Stop Smoking
Many health complications result from smoking, heartburn being one of them. Notably, cigarette smoking usually reduces the production of saliva in the mouth. With low saliva content, you cannot neutralize the stomach acid. Also, smoking can increase the production of acid in the stomach, which consequently flows to the esophagus, causing GERD. Therefore, if you are a smoker, you should consider stopping this habit.
Watch the Quantities of Meal
Eating large amounts of a meal can increase your likelihood of developing GERD. Notably, the large meal can exert more stress on LES, which can cause acid leakage into the esophagus. You should eat a small amount of food to avoid acid seeping into the esophagus.
Keep Physically Fit
Individuals who are overweight are more susceptible to acid reflux and GERD. Therefore, you should engage in physical exercises to burn the excessive calories in your body and keep fit. Take a gentle run after a meal to facilitate digestion and minimize the chances of acid reflux. Equally, avoiding the meals that trigger heartburn can help you avoid weight gain.
A significant proportion of adults has had low quality of life due to Gastroesophageal reflux disease. This condition necessitates the victims to change their eating patterns and skip their favorite meals to avoid heart burns. The Digestive & Liver Disease Center of San Antonio PLLC has your back if you are a victim of acid reflux. Robert Narvaez, MD, and his team offer an array of treatment procedures to patients with GERD and other digestive complications. Call their office in San Antonio to reach out for more information.