5 Exciting Technological Breakthroughs in Dementia Products

While there is no cure for dementia, there is a lot of progress in the tech world to allow greater freedom for patients. Here are 5 promising dementia products.

Did you know that over a recent five-year period, early-onset dementia and Alzheimer’s cases have tripled among Americans between the ages of 30 and 64?

This is quite concerning, given that there is no cure yet for the two conditions. What patients and their caregivers have right now are drug and non-drug options, which may help treat symptoms. 

Another thing that has helped individuals living with the disease, as well as their families, are technological innovations that have made certain products possible. Here, we’ll talk about some of those dementia products, and how these can help you and a loved one battling this progressive disease.

  1. Dementia Clocks

Not being able to distinguish the time or the day of the week can be anxiety-inducing for someone who has Alzheimer’s or dementia. This is why dementia clocks are a must-have for patients, as well as their caregivers, who want to set a routine for them.

Compared to the usual clock, dementia clocks have large numbers and come with nifty features. These include multiple alarm settings and reminders, audio and video recording, auto-dimming, and so on.

  1. Bed Exit Alarms

Bed exit alarm pads are great, especially when paired with door security for dementia patients. The idea behind them is quite simple. Embedded on each pad is a sensor, which triggers an alarm every time a patient moves off it.

This can then alert caregivers that their loved ones have woken up, for example, in the middle of the night. They can then put their loved ones back to bed, keeping them safe instead of wandering around.

  1. Dementia Phones and Other Communication Aids

Does your aging parent or relative have trouble remembering phone numbers? Do they also forget to hang up the phone?

It might be better for them to use a dementia phone. Now, there are different types of dementia phones so it’s up to you to choose the best one according to the patient’s needs. Maybe they need a phone that has pictures instead of numbers or one that could only receive calls. 

Aside from dementia phones, you can also try FaceTime and Skype. Though these are not marketed as dementia video products, they’re a great way for patients to keep in touch with relatives or friends who live far away. 

  1. Apps for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients

The best apps for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients are those that help with memory, attention span, and cognition. You don’t have to limit your downloads to these apps though. You can also experiment with relaxation apps, music streaming apps, and so on.

As a caregiver, you might also want to add apps that focus on medication management, as well as those that offer support and educational resources.

  1. Other Dementia Products Worth Looking Into

Aside from the one’s already listed, don’t forget to check out in-home cameras, smart home products, tracking devices, and other assistive technology gadgets.

It’s also important that you keep yourself updated on the latest dementia products and related news. You can check out the National Brain Appeal Charity to learn about some interesting projects that help improve dementia patients’ lives.

Need More Tips and Advice on Senior Health?

Now that you know some innovative dementia products, don’t stop there. The best way to help your loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s is to learn more about these conditions. Lucky for you, there are tons of resources online that can help.

For more senior health articles, keep on browsing the rest of our site.