4 Signs You Should See a Spine Specialist

You will most likely be affected by back pain at some point in life. You may have hurt your back while helping your buddy move a sofa, or you may have been unable to work because of an illness or accident.. In the short term, ibuprofen may be able to alleviate your pain, but it will not solve the underlying issue. For instance, if you have spinal stenosis Houston, it may be challenging to know if it is caused by a torn muscle or by anything more serious going on with your spine.

As a general rule of thumb, if you experience immediate discomfort after twisting, bending, or lifting, you are more likely to have a muscle strain than a joint injury. It is common for people to “tweak” or “throw out” their backs as they become older since their muscles lose their ability to flex. Back pain may be debilitating and hazardous to ignore, so it is essential to have it checked out as soon as possible.

You should see a spine surgeon if you suffer any of the following signs.

1.      Weakness or numbness in your extremities

An issue in your spine’s lumbar (lower back) area might be the cause of weakness, numbness, or tingling in your extremities. The nerves that link these body portions to your brain go via the spine. They may get squeezed as they travel from the brain to your arms or legs. When you are going up or down stairs, you could notice that your foot drops or that your leg gives out sometimes.

This might be caused by a herniated (slipped) disc, a bone spur, or stenosis, which is a constriction of the space inside the spinal canal. A spine expert can assist in establishing the underlying cause of these symptoms and prescribe therapies that provide comfort, depending on the nature of the difficulties.

2.      Loss of bladder or bowel control

If you cannot control your bowel or bladder motions, you may have suffered a significant spinal injury, and you should be immediately sent to the nearest hospital’s emergency room. Bladder and bowel control problems may indicate that your spinal cord has been damaged and cannot deliver the necessary signals via your nerve pathways to your muscles.

3.      A persistent and bothersome discomfort

Injury to the body causes immediate and severe pain, which may be relieved with rest, ice, and other non-invasive treatments. When the pain nags at you for weeks or months, you have passed the line into chronic pain and need a medical examination.

4.      Poor quality of life

Your regular activities, such as working out, may have to be put on hold because of your illness. Even getting out of bed might be painful. Back and spine specialists are needed if you cannot lead a regular life because of chronic back discomfort.

Back pain sufferers need to be aware of the warning indications of when to see a spine surgeon. To avoid unneeded discomfort and maybe even more dangerous medical measures, do not pretend it is not there or will go away on its own.